What does $575,000 buy in New Rocehlle 10804

I see so many people searching on the net (as evidenced by the internet visitors on our great Houlihan Lawrence website which enables us to see those merely glancing through, and those looking with more interest). So, it always comes as no surprise to me when people visit an open house and remark, “I have been following this home on the internet!”

People wait for the either the price to come down, or they seem so much activity around the house (heard through their agents or through being aware of open houses, etc) , they realize that if they want it, they have to step forward….

Such was the case with 6 Carol Lane in New Rochelle. 2763 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, central air conditioning, gas heat, cathedral ceilings, beautiful hard wood floors, and a lower level not included in the square footage. The one caveat to the property was that it needed some updating. Never as much as this year as I have seen home buyers seeking a home that that been ‘all renovated.” They seek the perfect home at the perfect price, and are willing to wait for it. I call it the patient market. 6 Carol Lane must have been one of the largest homes in the area, but it also had higher taxes. I reduced the taxes in May by $3,100, and it still did not sell…. The owners installed a new roof (we had been offering a check at closing for a new roof), and it still didn’t sell. However, as soon as we reached that magical $599,000 listing price, the buyers returned and returned.

We ended up having multiple bids, and it sold for $575,000. With interest rates at unbelievable all-time lows, it is indeed a great time in which to purchase any home.

Other homes in the area have been selling anywhere from $639,000 to $700,000 and higher if all renovated, and as low as $517,000 if not..

New Rochelle is GREAT!


About Gay E. Rosen

Gay E. Rosen is a Top Realtor in the Larchmont and New Rochelle (Lower Westchester) area. She is diligent, caring, driven and thorough (with a sense of humor).Utilize her expertise. Call her!
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