It is quite interesting to note that the “House of Tudor” which reigned England from 1485 to 1603 has, in a sense, become the “Tudor House” to many of us…of course, we all recall Henry the VIII and his 8 wives, but on an everyday occurrence, we see so many Tudor Homes and as a Realtor, I wanted to find out why the popularity?
As it happens, the Tudor style home became a sign of a man’s wealth. To own a Tudor home,and especially to have a well designed garden accompanying the Tudor home, was the epitome of elegance and wealth back in the good old days of the 15th and 16th Centuries in England.
People would compete with each other with regard to the size, and grandeur displayed. It is interesting to note that the Tudor homes in England are traditionally white with half timbers which means they were built with wooden frames, and wattle and daub (wet clay and sticks) were used to fill in the spaces between. The English Tudors are white with black painted half-timbers, and yet in America, we traditionally see white with brown painted timbers, and with stucco and perhaps some brick work. A Tudor home will traditionally feature dormers, a large fireplace, and some Tudors will have a “stepped” appearance by which the upper floor will overhand the lower level. This originated when, in the 15th century, the people would pour out their chamber pots onto the streets, and rather than throw the contents onto the passersby, it would be thrown into the center of the street hopefully avoiding them. Fortunately, a warning call would usually precipitate the casting of the contents of the pot! Some 500 year old Tudor homes are still remaining in England. However, having grown up on an Island in the English Thames Estuary where we had original 17th Century Dutch cottages with thatched roofs (and tiny, tiny rooms), Tudor-style homes were an everyday occurrence to me.
Perhaps because the Tudor home signified wealth, luxury, etc…it is no surprise that Tudor homes are still very popular to many people. As a Realtor, I am proud to reside in New Rochelle – home to many beautiful Tudor homes.. I have had the privilege to list and sell quite a few Tudor homes in the New Rochelle area in all different price ranges.
NEW ROCHELLE is great! Just 35 minutes from New York City by train, and just 45 minutes from Broadway!