We have all experienced good mortgage brokers. we have all experienced less than good mortgage brokers…. I believe in commending those who have served well. I was completely overwhelmed by a mortgage broker the other month, Richard Desimone of Wells Fargo. Firstly, I represented the seller.. He represented the buyer but proceeded to send me weekly updates regarding his client. What? Hello? I knew about the buyer’s mortgage process as it occurred. I was impressed. It made me/my client feel quite comfortable throughout the process, and it was the most efficient process. Perhaps that was special, but at the end of the day when you have weekly communication WITHOUT having to ask for same.. isn’t it gratifying?
We have all been to many broker’s open houses where the mortgage broker is hosting a luncheon for the real estate agents.. (he/she must inwardly hate us all for those hours spent) but he is trying to garner interest from the agents, and obtain more business. I respect and appreciate those mortgage agents. Please know that. There is one mortgage broker in my area who serves chicken kebabs, grilled vegetables, and fruits, sandwiches, etc…. it is amazing….. the agents love it….I sincerely hope it brings him business from the local agents…He is a great person also.
Myself, I am small time. I would not presume to call a mortgage broker to give me 2-3 hours of their time, plus bring lunch. I appreciate them and their time too much. I bring my own lunches. I pay for that.. I just want good service from my mortgage brokers.. I called Richard, and asked that he supply me with a mortgage info sheet (not evident in those high price listings where those great luncheons are served) – hey if you have to ask about a mortgage sheet (I guess)- why bother?)…and I left those sheets at my listings for those visiting agents and their client/customers. . Guess what? I received a call from Richard. He wanted to thank me ? Hello? Me? He said that an agent had visited my listing, and saw his name and info, and remembered him from school.. He received a call, and he had obtained a new client… It made me feel better having asked him of his time to produce those sheets for my listings… I had been so appreciative of his time.. and it had brought forth a client for him..We all spend so much of our time, and at the end of the day, we all wish to be appreciated in some small way. SO, who would I call for mortgage info at my listings? This very same gentleman of course, Richard Desimone… of Wells Fargo… He has been lovely, and when I asked for mortgage stats to post at my listings, I received them the same day…. He has been and when I asked for mortgage stats to post at my listings, I received them the same day…. He has been of great help to me…. and I hope, in the future, to him.
There are many great mortggae brokers in the area… I always like to refer several to my clients so they can personally choose a mortggae specialist who fits their individual needs.
Westchester is GREAT!