Those of us who are of a certain age will recall a movie a ‘few’ years ago entitled ‘The Russians are Coming!” Well, while this is written tongue in cheek, it would seem they may very well be popping over!
With everyone being able to access their website visitors through analytics, it is always interesting to discover which countries those web site viewers (and potential buyers) are coming from… Houlihan Lawrence just released their statistics, and it would seem that not only were international visits up 12% from 2010, the actual internet visits from the Russians were up 2300% !!! ‘oh moya dobrota chto sdyelalo vi dyelayetye to dlya.’ (Oh my goodness ) – I hope it says that!
There was also another large increase from India – up 12% from 2010 . The Brits came in second after the Russians….perhaps because there are so many of us already living here! Ha! (Larchmont has many French, British and European residents as it is simply a wonderful place in which to live, and so close to New York City. Larchmont was also rated the 49th best town in which to live in the United States..)
Not surprisingly the majority of internet visitors are coming from the city – escaping those high priced apartments for some quiet enjoyment in Westchester! There were 2,368,373 internet visitors from the city, followed by Connecticut, New Jersey and then Massachusetts, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, Illinois & North Carolina.
Another interesting statistic was how the analytics program was able to determine the mobile device overview.. There were 300,000 mobile visitors with the majority of visits being from the I-Pad, IPhone and then the Android, followed by the Blackberry.
Lastly, and no surprise, the majority of the 3,000,000 internet visitors (some 37%) went directly to the Houlihan Lawrence web site, and 35% were directed to H/L from Google.
Larchmont is GREAT!
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