RE Vamp started as a monthly networking group where you could ‘dine and opine’ and then, we all became friends on Facebook, got to know one another, and in liking one another, looked forward to our monthly discussions. The discussions would range from Multiple Bidding, Agency Disclosure, SEO, and everything real estate related. Our group consists of Realtors, a Floor Specialist, Inspectors, Mortgage Lenders, Title Companies, Broker Owners, Managers, Insurance Specialists, Attorneys, Mold remediation specialists, Credit repair specialists, Interior Designers, and so forth. We have seen people come and go, and yet we have a core of people who have been there from Day One. Why?
Because it is fun, we learn, we laugh, we argue. We can now obtain Continuing Education Credits for taking part also! How bad is that!
This past Wednesday was our second annual “RE Vamp” Barbecue party, one of only 2 events where we don’t have discussions. It was well attended, and I am seeing some new members too. Like last year, this RED event was held at the Knollwood Country Club in Elmsford where the food was good, plentiful and the company sublime!
Kudos to Scott Forcino and Artie DiMella for initiating this Networking group. Always fun, and always enjoyable.
Westchester is GREAT!