I always love the Holidays! I would like to feel that as long as we all believe in G-d ( I was taught it was disrespectful to write the entire word so humor me), and as long as we all believe in doing good unto others, then it made no difference which religion you chose, love, respect and honoring others beliefs were the common thread. I was privileged and attended a higher educational institution in England. One of my teachers informed our class one year that we do not choose our religion, we are usually born into a family that chooses the religion for us. That particular teacher, and I will never forget her teachings although I have long forgotten her name, decided to have us visit different churches, a synagogue in the area, so we could learn first hand about each religion, and to also hopefully respect each religion. It was enlightening, and a wonderful experience.
SO, many years later, while I converted to Judaism as I married a Jewish gentleman, I still enjoyed all of the holidays and traditions that I grew up with. Easter was/is no exception. As a child, I used to look forward to each of my aunts and uncles giving my siblings and myself Easter eggs made of chocolate. Cadbury’s, Nestles, Rowntrees were all well known brands, and they would be filled with edible delights. Loved it! In elementary school, there was a writing competition, conducted by Cadbury’s, but held throughout all of the schools in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We had to write about how the Easter bunny lost his tail, and I came in second! I can’t remember what I wrote, but I still have the certificate. My sad claim to fame!
Another tradition of Easter was to commemorate Good Friday with Hot Cross buns. I can never go without a Hot Cross Bun on Good Friday. an important tradition to me. Each year I cheat of course, and buy those packaged buns from the super market before Easter, and wonder why I like them as they are usually stale and awful. Not this past Friday. The Bread Factory (located at 30 Grove Street, New Rochelle – 914 637-9514) made the most delicious hot cross buns. Moist, fruity and of course with that delicious icing on top. Why is there is a cross on top of the bun ? It is to commemorate Jesus dying on the cross, and the spices commemorate the spices used to embalm Him at His burial.
I was surprised to note that many Americans did not really know of this tradition, and even more surprised to learn that it is a tradition mostly well known in Australia, British Isles, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa and some parts of America ( I am seeing a common British thread here!)…
Happy Easter!
New Rochelle is GREAT!