Well, Rosen Vineyards has closed. Ha! It never opened, but we did have some fun along the way. I decided years ago to make our own wine, less sulphites, healthier – just the way everyday wine is made in Italy and France.
I bought all of the necessary equipment; the grape ‘de-stemmer’, the wine press, the big vats to use while the wine is fermenting, the stainless steel vats to store and age the wine, the machine to insert the corks into the wine bottles, a wine bottle holder, and also a filter to make sure no sediment entered the bottle in the bottling process! I had made a drawing of our home, and of course had labels printed up too.
We ….lll how did the wine taste? I always said that if you were thinking of giving up drinking wine, all you had to do was to taste a glass of mine and that would do the trick!
I started to make the wine in 1993, and tried for several years and then life stepped in! I always wanted to return to making it, and the other year, a friend (Juergen) and I were going to take the plunge again, but everyone is busy.
SO, after all of these years, and in trying to empty my garage, I just sold everything! I hope I made some nice gentlemen happy. They already make wine, own a pizza store, but wanted the stainless steel vats. They obtained so much more! Cheers!
Westchester is GREAT!