There was a steady stream of cars, people with and without their pets at today’s New Rochelle Humane Society’s Dog Wash Day. It started at 10 am and ran until 3 p.m. and today was their 13th annual event. Thank you so much! SO many wonderful volunteers on hand to help man the booths, wash the dogs (getting so wet in the process), and basically, being wonderful!
We took our pooch (who was adopted from the no kill shelter last June) , and we would like to believe he had a good time.. He socialized a little with the other dogs, had his shampoo and wash (it was so hot – how could he object to that!), and we even shared a hamburger afterwards from New Rochelle’s greatest hamburger restaurant ( they had a booth today) – AJ’s Hamburgers. NO onion for us thank you very much.. dogs can’t eat them.. but cheese is and WAS all okay! We even spoke with a dog trainer at a booth (just $1 for 2 minutes!)… great advice – thank you Bobbie Bhambree of Dog Centric.
New Rochelle is GREAT!