Today was an emotional day… The first emotion was being totally frozen by 3 p.m today after standing outside in the cold for 6 hours! Ha! The second emotion was love. Love for all of my associates who stepped up to the challenge to give their time, energy and support for this wonderful charity.
Our Manager, Debbie Doern, stopped by yesterday at our Fund Raising Bake sale event to offer support, and today our Sound Shore Regional Manager, Judi Smith, stopped by to purchase a few very small items, but vastly overpaid (although Margie Wechsler’s pumpkin cakes are delicious as are Lou Pollak’s chocolate chip cookies and all warranted more) but she also overpaid by probably $35….. Love, was the emotion that threaded its way though today’s cold, dreary and overcast day but that shaft of love and light shined on our bake sale outside of our office located at 2070 Boston Post Road in Larchmont, New York throughout the day. A gentleman stopped by this morning with his two, small children. I could see that he was holding back his tears as he mentioned to me that his wife was sitting at a table just 10 feet away at Bradley’s (a wonderful local breakfast and lunch establishment but one imbued with class and offering decadent pastries, breakfasts and lunches), and how she was diagnosed with breast cancer just 4 months earlier. He bought two small items, one for each of his children, but also perhaps signifying the pain and hope he is experiencing with his wife’s treatment and recovery and how it is affecting his life and the lives of those two children.
I was honked at! Oh my! A lady in her car asked if we were participating in a ‘walk’. “Yes, I replied- at Manhattanville College next Sunday starting at 8:am (registration time)… She mentioned how she was 4 years in remission, and it was obvious that she wanted to briefly share her great news while she was stopped at the traffic light. Who wouldn’t? People walked by mentioning how they have to sign up, they had done it before, it was a necessity… and people came back after making a cash withdrawal as they wanted to participate in some way, and they all did.. Longtime friends Arnie Sternheim from New Rochelle popped by yesterday and today wanting to contribute(and who breakfasts at Bradleys every weekend) … A local author, and lovely lady, Marlene Fanta Shyer (author of the book “Happy Anniversary, He Said” stopped by to purchase some goodies. It might have been cold and unappealing today, and also a Holiday weekend, but in wanting to personally help contribute towards cancer awareness – enabled so many people to be wonderful. Past great clients (Craig and Laurel) popped by and purchased a goodie…
Lou (Pollak) baked again last night and this morning, and brought some wonderful brownies and chocolate chip cookies…not to mention joining me at 2 pm for that final hour! That really helped to make the day…Her joyfulness of spirit warmed my heart (and body). Susan (Emery) made some chewy chocolate chip cookies that were an instant hit, and oh my goodness!!! Juergen (Hess) made a delicious cornbread with pistachios and raisins that people gobbled up (oooh! could Thanksgiving be around the corner?).. And how could I forget Laurie Iannuzzo! Laurie brought in some delicious brownies yesterday which were quickly purchased (and consumed), and in wanting to help out yet again, ran out to purchase more ingredients and brought in early this morning some wonderful scones with cranraisins and raisins.. Yours truly bought one (and I should have purchased more… but my thighs would scream and that is different story)..
Team Larchmont has proven to be a wonderful team, and representative of the camaraderie, team spirit and cohesiveness of the office. No wonder we are Number One!
We raised $550 in the bake sale. Great..
Did you know that the dollars raised by “the Making Strides Supporters“, the American Cancer Society is doing the most for people facing breast cancer today to end the disease tomorrow? We all know people, friends, family members who have suffered or who died from this disease. My mother died from breast cancer. My older sister ( Ha – she will always be older!) has had breast cancer, and my far younger sister had a double mastectomy to avoid the probability of the disease.
If we were all to contribute just $10, $25, $50, or $100 a year to this worthwhile charity, imagine the results we could produce..
Sublime! Team Larchmont has raised over $2100 todate on behalf of Houlihan Lawrence’s ongoing and never ending support of Cancer awareness. Please join us on the walk on October 20th at 8 am.. and walk either 3-5 miles… make a small donation, and if you can’t, that is okay also. We know you care – because we all do.
Larchmont is GREAT!
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