A GREAT time in which to sell and buy a home in Larchmont, 10538. There are three elementary schools, one of which is the Chatsworth Elementary School. The homes in this school area usually cover the village and Larchmont Manor.
There were 28 available single family homes available as of June 30th, 2015 ranging in listing price of $350,000 to $10,000,000. There were 22 single family homes in contract ranging in price from $529,000 to $4,100,000, and there were 43 Single Family homes sold by June 30th, 2015. The home sales prices ranged in price from $410,000 to $5,787,500. The Median sales price was $1,450,000, with an average price per square foot of $580.16 and a sales price to original list price ratio of 99.11%. Of the 43 single family homes sold, 18 of those homes sold over list price, once again indicative of a strong Larchmont market.
Larchmont is GREAT