Since New Rochelle is a city, and has different zip codes, I always like to break down the home sales prices by zip code, Elementary School and different price points.
New Rochelle 10804
This would cover both Davis and Ward Schools but since many people search by zip code, I thought I would first include them together, and then separate by Elementary School. However, since this is by zip code, the 10583 (Davis School) would not be covered in this compilation.
$0-599,000 There were 21 homes sold in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $311.90, sales price to original list price ratio of 93.59%. There were 5 homes that sold over list price.
In 2016, there were 36 homes sold with an average price per square foot of $287.50, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 94.39%. 10 homes sold over list price.
It would at first glance appear that the inventory was lower in 2017 with a slight softening on the sales price. However, when we look into the next price point of $600,000 -$799,000, we can see that a few more homes were sold in 2017, so the market indicates that people priced higher based on the stronger sales market, , obtaining a slightly less price per square foot but still with 25 homes selling over the list price. The market is very robust in this price point.
$600,000- $799,000 There were 76 homes sold in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $318.16, sales price to original list price ratio of 96.47%. 25 homes sold over list price.
In 2016, 68 homes were sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $325.83, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 96.07%. 15 homes sold over list price.
$800,000 – $999,000 There were 36 homes sold in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $322.22, sales price to original price ratio of 95.35%. 12 homes sold over list price. 9 homes sold over list price.
In 2016, 33 homes sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $305.60, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 94.14%. 7 homes sold over list price.
Once again, more homes were sold in 2017 in the $800-999,000 price point, reflecting a stronger market in this price range.
In the Million to $1,199,000 price range, prices stayed approximately the same. However, as an active agent, I would interject that the buyers were seeking perfection more so than ever before!
$1,000,000 – $1,199,999 14 homes sold in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $309.62, sales price to original list price ratio of 93.08%. 3 homes sold over list price.
In 2016, 15 homes were sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $303.96, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 93.59%. One home sold over list price.
$1,200,000 – $1,499,000 11 homes sold in the price range in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $301.74, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 94.20%. 2 homes sold over list price.
In 2016, 13 homes were sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $343.53, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 92.46%. 4 homes sold over list price.
The market was again a tad stronger in 2016 in the higher price ranges with higher price per square foot.
$1,500,000 + 4 homes sold in this price category in 2017 with an average price square foot of $316.74, and a sales price to original list price ratio of 90.26%. One home sold at list price.
In 2016, 6 homes were sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $337.62, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 86.77%.
William B. Ward School
When we break down the two elementary schools, we start to see the different appeal of each area. More homes sold in this price point in 2016, but once again, we are seeing slightly more homes selling in 2017 in the next price point. Price were square foot was quite similar in the lesser priced homes, but increased nicely in the next price point.
$0-$599,000 29 homes sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $244.64, and an average sales price to original list price of 96.43%. Eight homes sold over the original list price.
In 2016, 43 homes sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $246.28, and an average sales price to original list price of 94.49%. 3 homes sold over list price.
$600,000 – $799,000 56 homes sold in this price range in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $305.74, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 96.06%. 7 homes sold over list price.
In 2016, 51 homes sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $306.72, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 96.35%. 6 homes sold over list price.
In the $800,000 – $999,000 price range, the sales were very similar year over year.
$800,000 – $999,000 23 homes sold in this price range in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $288.36, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 96.19%. 6 homes sold over the list price.
In 2016, 25 homes sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $289.43, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 93.35%. 6 homes sold over list price.
In the $1,100,000 – $1,199,000 price range, prices per square foot were higher in 2017 which was great, a few more homes were sold also, but more homes were sold in the $1.2 -$1,499,000 price range in 2016 and with a higher price per square foot.. So, a little softer in 2017.
$1,000,000 – $1,199,000 18 homes sold in the price range with an average price per square foot of $312.79, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 93.71%. 3 homes sold over list price.
In 2016, 13 homes were sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $293.87 and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 94.96%. 2 homes sold over list price.
$1,200,000 – $1,499,000 7 homes sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $300.92, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 94.86%. 2 homes sold over the list price.
In 2016, 10 homes were sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $324.52, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 89.12%. 2 homes were sold in this price range.
$1,500,000 + 3 homes sold in this price range in 2017 with an average price per square foot of $350.48 and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 89.90%. One home sold over list price.
In 2016, 4 homes were sold in this price range with an average price per square foot of $318.53, and an average sales price to original list price ratio of 81.99%. One home sold over list price.
It is always interesting to see how certain homes sell, and some don’t, and when I look at the higher priced sold homes (over $1.5), it should be noted that one new home sold in 2017, plus two beautiful homes (one with a profit from when it was purchased, and the other home sold for $580000 less than its original sales price. This tells us that the market was not sustaining the higher priced homes in this area.
New Rochelle is GREAT!