I hope my loyal readers had a memorable and very joyful holiday season filled with many happy family oriented celebrations.
For me, 2019 was an unforgettable and productive year that saw me personally reach many life goals. One goal that I achieved was to have more patience in everything I do, including my writing and in my relationships. People are paramount in my life, they always have been. What they aspire to, their jobs, what makes them tick and the whole human condition simply fascinates me.
I would like to thank profusely my publisher Gay Rosen for this valuable and wonderful Blog opportunity; and it goes without saying for her pure friendship. And my empathetic and inspiring Mother, Ann Thayer, as well as my gentle and thoughtful Aunts, Susan and Gail, for their love and divine guidance. Clare as well, of course, for being there for me in every season with her soulmate-like qualities. 2019 saw Clare and me on the road in search of the next big story and adventure. As far as food goes, we dined at some incredible and worthy eateries, including New Rochelle’s first rate Spadaro, dazzling Maria, delicious Da Giorgio, Larchmont’s terrific Tequila Sunrise, and superb Madison Kitchen. I am humbled and grateful to have met and become friends with so many kind souls this year who have enriched my life. People from all walks of life, such as Anne Marie and Olivier from the Greenwich, CT elite and premier clothing boutique OGGI 5, Luiz Aragon, the very able New Rochelle Commissioner of Development, Jane Dial, my elegant new friend in the cosmetics field, Ms. Rina Spadaro and her fine restaurant that bears her name, radio and business star Noreen Ehrlich, Mary Gaudio of the cutting-edge Zinlash, and Gigi Gaudet, my new ally and friend from the Constitution State.
This past year also saw local and nationwide topics transpire such as New Rochelle’s astonishing and ever growing skyline reaching even higher proportions. Indeed, development in the Queen City is unique and much needed, as I pointed out in my overview and more in last month’s column. The very promising and illustrious work of developers like Louis Cappelli should be praised for their dedication to our city’s brilliant skyline. This past year saw real estate prince Mr. Cappelli’s much touted and gorgeous The Standard building completed and fully ready for leasing. Also in the news in 2019, President Trump gave his glowing State Of The Union Address. The Patriots won the Superbowl. The massive NYC power outage happened. In Manhattan, the live circus, Cirque Du Soleil, stunned crowds this past December. The government shutdown occurred. The historic ball dropping in Times Square ushered in a pristine new year. I bought my first Apple iPad!
Another highlight of my year was receiving a very nice email of congratulations on my last blog edition by highly respected longtime New Rochelle City Court Clerk Jim Generoso. And a graceful note on my blog from legendary Westchester County Clerk and former renowned and well-liked New Rochelle Mayor, Tim Idoni. Also, thoughtful and well received accolades from Cappelli/Fuller Chief Executive Officer, Bruce Berg, who along with those mentioned and others, saw the merit in my New Rochelle Downtown Development story and graciously let me know. And old close friends like my Floridian friend Sheila Houhlihan who has been a constant source of support and good faith; and the ever sensitive and great feedback giving Tonny Guido and kind and uber compassionate Katherine Wilson Conroy (Former New Rochelle City Councilwoman of high standing) who always responds enthusiastically to my writing and emails. And scores more people who have made a resounding mark in my heart each with their unique friendship.
Most of my readers have New Year’s Resolutions; what is yours? Mine are to continue having more patience, more spiritual awareness, to get out of my comfort zone and see more of the world. I also want to read more and edify myself. And embrace new friends. It’s another splendid year ahead; time to welcome new horizons, goals and achievements on any level. So get ready, 2020 is here in all its majesty and unexplored possibilities!
Wishing you, my loyal readers and friends an enlightened, peaceful, healthy and prosperous new beginning. (All photos courtesy of Clare Lawrence)
New Rochelle is GREAT!