Before the computer, I Pad, Tablet, smart phone, there was mom! Mom had to try and entertain her children, to keep everyone happy for everyone’s sanity. We used to say, if your children were happy then so were you!
There are so many fun things to do with your children at home.
- Cooking of course must list very high on the list… Baking, making soups, decorating all fun things to do. Chopped meat? Try sautéing with onion, adding some carrots, bay leaves, A-1 sauce, Worcestshire sauce, a little tomato paste, a little broth, salt pepper, and letting it simmer… and serve with garlic mashed potatoes or simple mashed potatoes! A favorite of mine in England was a simple jacket potato as we call it. Baked, and then different toppings added to suit the palate! Soups are so easy, nutritional and fun too! Leek and potato, chicken soup, all so easy….. Add some spices, some lime juice and cilantro to the chicken soup and you have Pho!
2) Making playdough also a fun activity. I once made Christmas ornaments out of ornament dough..
In my case, I took a photos of someone on a luge sled, drew the outline, and then made the luge ornament .. I still have them!
3) Knitting, embroidery and crocheting, stringing beads.. I never learned how to crochet properly, but knitting is a fun past time as is embroidery..
4) Experiments! Always fun.
5) Hide and seek. Hide something in the garden or house to have your children find… it could be anything from a small toy to notes …. math games with hide and seek..
6) Board games – of course- a natural… How about creating your own board game though?
7) Writing that book .. make it a joint venture with your children.. and then you can send it into Shutterfly for the production!
8) Going through the old videos with your children…
9) cleaning out closets with the children – it could be made fun!
10) coin wrappers…. a great time to fill them with coins
11) reading – so many great books..
12) handmade crafts!
13) Writing notes to your relatives together with your children.. let them know you care .
14) bubble baths! Oh the joy. Placing some toys into the bath, and having mom sit alongside while the children splash and have fun. Make it in the afternoon so it isn’t a rushed evening affair!
15) Playing with Fido and our pets! Always time to give them hugs too.
16) I am British but you can also act as if you are! Have an afternoon tea party!
17) Have a picnic on the kitchen floor.. FUN!
18) Make a tent and camp out for a night together with torches (no lit fires of course!).. Make it a fishing trip! Take a stick and some strong (cooking twine is great), place double sided scotch-tape to the end, and then make different colored paper fish, and see who is the first to catch a certain number of fish/different colors, etc. Then don’t forget the cook top smores!
19) It is spring! Plant some seeds and watch them grow indoors , readying them for outdoors….
20) build a family website if so inclined…
21) Yes, you can always facetime someone – reach out and keep in touch..
22) Did you know there are virtual tours to museums?
23) How about traveling around the world on the internet? Each day pick a new country, and travel there with your children… one of my sons loves to fly, and has a flight simulator for many years. One time, he took off at JFK, and was flying for many hours, put the plane on auto cruise, and then when he woke up in the morning, he landed in Australia! Not everyone has a flight simulator of course, but what fun to travel around the world on the internet (okay am conceding this one to computers!). Did you know some cruise lines are offering virtual tours?
24) Learn about birds, stamps (remember stamp collecting?), music, flowers. I can recall acting out Peter and the Wolf with my children in the living room , and also the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky. Oh those drums and the hearing the French National anthem (La Marseillaise ) in the background..
25) walking (of course) – still fun with your children.. driveway tennis – (you can imagine the net!) . My children used to play kitchen hockey with a small pig pong ball, marbles also, tossing things into a can..
26) Movies – bring out the popcorn and enjoy..
27) Paper Mache – loved making this – just flower, water and paper! You can make puppet heads, cups, vases, anything and then paint and shellac. SO much fun..
28) Just saw this on the internet.. make paper caterpillars, and have caterpillar races with straws! Origami bunny rabbits..
29) Musical instruments… remember the drum made out of the oatmeal container, the comb and paper harmonica? Your very own home band…
30) Painting – be it water color or otherwise. SO, much fun… OR, how about taking that huge roll of brown wrapping paper, taping it a wall, and give your little ones crayons…they LOVE that!
Wishing everyone fun times at home… it is good to stay busy!
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