Perfect for the Holiday stocking! Pre-order now in time for the Holidays!
My pooch, BINKY, is a rescue dog, and like us all, has his foibles. Binky hated walking the rain. Perhaps it was because he was found starved and near death on the streets but whatever the reason, this was his nemesis! I decided one day to write a children’s book about him, and it is currently being published! It is about facing your anxieties, and hopefully this will help a child somewhere with their small trepidations.
The book is available four pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones (England) , IPG Reimaging Book Distribution,,, BAM, William DAM Boghandel (Danish), , and so many stores around the globe!
Or, you can reach out to me for your autographed copy ! Binky autographs the book too!
Westchester is GREAT!!