New Rochelle Turkey Trot 2021

After missing last year’s race due to COVID-19 , Michael Conlon the founder of “Giving You More Miles, Inc. ” ( a local non-profit organization whose sole mission is to raise money for local charities in New Rochelle and Westchester County) , organized this great event which was held on Thanksgiving Day. 

Here is a short video from the day’s event!

The New Rochelle Turkey Trot has become a family and community focused event. In 2019, over 1800 participants (90% local) toed the start line in the beautiful historic district of New Rochelle allowing us to donate over $25,000 to our charity partners. Our hope is that our race becomes an annual tradition where families and friends gather to inspire our kids and young adults in order to help those who are less fortunate, but we need your help. 

Thank you Michael!

New Rochelle is GREAT!!

Soundy Background Music

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About Gay E. Rosen

Gay E. Rosen is a Top Realtor in the Larchmont and New Rochelle (Lower Westchester) area. She is diligent, caring, driven and thorough (with a sense of humor).Utilize her expertise. Call her!
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