With text messaging fast replacing emailing – especially amongst the younger population, and since I recently was misunderstood when I used LOL (lots of love- my interpretation) for LOL – Laugh out Loud, I thought I should delve deeper into the acronym world.. I found some pretty interesting sites…
http://teens.lovetoknow.com/Text_Message_Acronyms This is a site for teens… and I couldn’t believe some of the acronyms such as CICYHW which means “Can I copy your Home Work?” and MOS – Mom over shoulder (what was the teen writing?) . PIR – Parent in room.. and there were the cute ones like ZZZ – sleeping… mmmh! the teen types in his/her sleep?..
In searching the various sites on how to best text message.. I came across another http://www.ehow.com/how_2315759_interpret-text-messages.html On this site, I learned that MNC – stands for Mother nature calls…. wow… too much info?
Yet in another site http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070923184209AA6ZMLp I found a rather nice text message TTFN– ta ta for now. being British, I liked the sound of that one!
And then finally, by way of absolving myself (People mistook lots of love for laugh out loud) I found another site which cites LOL as either Laugh out Loud or Lots of Love! Phew.. I guess they won’t take me away in a white coat just yet!
I guess there are always new horizons and new technology for us to learn… and so this is the EOD and G2G!
Westchester is GREAT!