Walking my Pooch 10804


Binky and Raleigh

I would never have thought that walking my pooch would be such a social event, but sometimes it just seems like it is! Our pooches greet each other, and we, as neighbors,  then have the opportunity to say ‘hi’ to each other, and get to chat for a few minutes. My dog, ‘Binky’ likes the smaller pooches, and so whenever he sees ‘Raleigh’, ‘Lucy’, Louis, ‘Scooter’ it’s a treat. We always like to go for a walk with “Havana’ who he has known for years.  We see labradoodles, German Shepherds, Boxers, Miniature Australian Sheepdogs, Beagles, Havanese dogs, poodles, and then some mixed breeds like my pooch! We have a Speech Pathologist on the street, a Yoga instructor attorneys, Psychologists and Botanists to name a few!

We will see runners from Iona practicing their craft (Paine Avenue is hilly) , I always see a mom and daughter running in the morning, and then there is the chap who races by on his  cross country skis which he has outfitted with wheels,  the many neighbors on their bicycles, fellow neighbors just walking with their friends, and everyone is cordial. I think it is a wonderful representation of our neighborhood. Friendly, caring and nice! Home prices can range from approximately One Million Dollars to Two Million. Discerning pooches and great area! In better climes we have the Paine to Pain Half Marathon, and we also are also proud to boast that we have the Thomas Paine Cottage & Museum too.

New Rochelle is GREAT!

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About Gay E. Rosen

Gay E. Rosen is a Top Realtor in the Larchmont and New Rochelle (Lower Westchester) area. She is diligent, caring, driven and thorough (with a sense of humor).Utilize her expertise. Call her!
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