Always fun especially when you are friends and associates! Julia B. Fee was one of the sponsors for this charity event benefitting the Mamaroneck Continuing Education Program.
It was held for the second year in a tow at Decadent Ales in Mamaroneck where there is always a huge array from craft ales and ciders to choose from, and of course other spirits too! I was joined by my good friend and Publisher of Pelham Living Magazine, Bonnie Dougan
Seen above top row left to right: Ron Nobles (Emcee) , Martha Sundin, Kristin Dietz, Middle Row: Doyle Brand , Tad Flynn, , Bottom Row: Rich Happel and Talia Reese
There were snacks throughout the evening (pretzels, chicken tenders, chicken tenders and hamburger sliders). Most importantly, it was just a fun night and we all need to enjoy ourselves with friends! This is what happens when you live in the Mamaroneck area. Fun events, nice people and so close to the city!
Mamaroneck is Great!