What is it like to live in New Rochelle? Great! If you are a pet owner then you get to meet your neighbors quite quickly, and I have to admit that I while I know the pooches’ names I might have trouble remembering the owners’ names!
I have written about my area in the past, but just wanted to share some happy news from the weekend when neighbors (and now friends)popped over at the end of the day for some cocktails, “What does a Psychologist, attorney, Speech Pathologist and a Realtor have in common?” It sounded like the start of a joke but the answer was/is neighbors and friends! It was so nice to be able to share our thoughts and get together but most importantly, w all agreed that we love living in New Rochelle!

Recent area prices in our neighborhood have ranged from $910,000 to over $2 Million dollars this past year based on home condition.
Come and visit – you will love it!
New Rochelle is Great!