How many Elementary Schools are there in New Rochelle you might ask? There are 6! There are approximately 11000 students in the entire New Rochelle public school system, a staff of over 1400, (comprised of approximately 400 employees, and a 1000 administrative, teaching and professional staff.
The George M. Davis Elementary School is located at 80 Iselin Drive, 10804. and offers a magnet overlay program in the performing arts, in addition to teaching Mandarin in Kindergarten. The William B. Ward School is located at 311 Broadfield Road, 10804, and offers an Inrernational Peace theme, and a dual language program in Spanish, with Mandarin being offered in Grade 4. The Jefferson Elementary School is located at 131 Weyman Avenue , 10805 and offers a dual language program (Italian,Spanish) and teaches Mandarin starting in Kindergarten. The Trinity Elementary School is located at 180 Pelham Road, 10805, and offers a communication, technology and arts magnet program, and a CILA (Curriculum and Instruction Dual Language Program) in Spanish.
There are 3 Magnet Schools in New Rochelle. The Barnard Early Childhood Center, 129 Barnard Road, 10804, which offers instruction adapted from the Reggio Emelia Model. There is a special designed four year sequence program (language, arts, creative problem solving, higher order thinking skills starting in pre-kindergarten…. that is accessed through a lottery (and a commitment through Grade 2).
The Daniel Webster Elementary School located at 95 Glenmore Road, 10801, offers a Humanities (Sociology, Juripridence, Economics, Philosophy and Historic Perspectives through Literature) Magnet program. There is an expanded langiage program (French or Spanish) and Mandarin. There is also 14 weeks of Studio Arts (visual, dance theatre).
The Columbus Elementary School is located at 275 Washington Avenue, 10801, and offers Science, Math & Technology magney program. Open houses for the magnet programs are usually held in March of each year.
New Rochelle is GREAT!
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