New Rochelle’s 10805 Zip Code encompasses as a rule the Waterfront area, the Trinity Elementary School, and Jefferson Elementary School. If I were looking at recent sold properties for a comparative market analysis , I would (of course) be first seeking ‘comps’ in the smae zip code and elementary school. For the purpose of this report, I have just used the same zip code as there are fewer properties. The report contains all price points.
There are currently 24 Active listings with a low price of $299,000, Median price of $529,499, and a high price of $2,490,000. There are 3 pepole in contract with a low price of $319,000, Median price of $374,500 and a high price of $ 539,021. 12 Properties have been sold these past 6 months with a low price of $250,000, Median price of $454,000 and a high sold price of $954,000. The price per sold square foot is currently $258.68.
Conversely, a year ago for the same time period, 14 properties were sold, with a low price of $179,000, Median sold price of $525,000 and a high sold price of $1,600,000. The price per sold square footage was $236.97. Obviously prices are on the rise with a higher price per square foot. All good! A great time to purchase because of those low interest rates, but also a great time in which to sell!
New Rochelle is GREAT!