And the Winner is – Ms. Dee Van Eyck !

photoDee is an Associate of mine at the Larchmont Houlihan Lawrence Office.  Like many associates, she has to wear many hats (and all of them very well!).  Dee, is a former beauty Queen and both Dee and Laura Giannone head the Miss Westchester Pageant and Miss Hudson Valley Pageants  which also air on LMCTV ( Cablevision  Public Access  TV for Larchmont – Channel 75) .   This is Dee’s Fourth year as Executive Director and Producer of the pageants which was aired on LMCTV and as such, the show was nominated this past spring for LMCV’s “Best New Series” and “Best Single Show”.  She won the ‘Best New Series’ Award!

The  23rd LCMTV Awards show was held on June 5th at the Emelin Theater and is was rather like the Academy Awards for the nominees.. an exciting and thrilling night for all .

Dee is also  a member of the Larchmont Historical Society (2nd Vice President of Programs), Westchester County Historical Society, LMC-TV, The Garden Club of Larchmont and St. Augustine’s Catholic Church .  Dee is someone who knows local history and is also someone who is making history!

Larchmont is GREAT!


About Gay E. Rosen

Gay E. Rosen is a Top Realtor in the Larchmont and New Rochelle (Lower Westchester) area. She is diligent, caring, driven and thorough (with a sense of humor).Utilize her expertise. Call her!
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