Lunch & Learn Honoring Janet DeMasi

Janet DeMasi is an indomitable force. We all know that and love her. It was so lovely to have Janet honored at the inaugural Friends of The Center Lunch ‘n Learn at Lusardi’s Restaurant in Larchmont. I was so impressed with Leslie Blank, a longtime favorite teacher and how she broke down as short story as written by Grace Paley called “Wants”. 1974.

It was a lovely afternoon. Cheers to Janet!

Please join us for the inaugural
Friends of The Center Lunch ’n Learn
in honor of Janet Demasi – a longtime friend of
The Center for Continuing Education
When:  Thursday, May 19 from 12:15 – 2:00 PM
Where:  Lusardi’s at 1885 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont

What:   Learn about the Art of the Short Short Story from one of our most beloved teachers,
             Leslie Blank, while enjoying a delicious three course meal
      “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.”  —  attributed to Ernest HemingwayEdgar Allan Poe, father of the American short story, asserted that a “tale” should be unified in plot, character, setting, and, most importantly, effect.  In order to achieve the emotional effect, the story should be read in one sitting of “a half-hour to one or two hours.”  What if that effect could be achieved in a matter of a just few minutes’ reading? Then you would have the short short story.  In our Lunch and Learn lesson, we’ll discuss the elements of the short short story and the art that goes into “conveying deep truths and universal human emotions” in just a few short paragraphs—or less.    

Cost:  $68 includes lunch, learning, and lively in-person conversation
Larchmont is GREAT!

About Gay E. Rosen

Gay E. Rosen is a Top Realtor in the Larchmont and New Rochelle (Lower Westchester) area. She is diligent, caring, driven and thorough (with a sense of humor).Utilize her expertise. Call her!
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