We all see them. Those local Farmer’s Markets in each town, and what fun they are to visit. I love to go to the market in Larchmont for the fresh pickles, sauerkraut and jardinière, always so mouth wateringly fresh .
The breads, pies are also delicious. I bought a Meredith’s Bakery fruit pie the other week and it was so delicious. The crust was crispy, not dry, and it was also unsweetened and gluten free. I have to admit, I do not pay attention to gluten free products or unsweetened for that matter, but with the fruit juices utilized in naturally sweetening the pie, did give me pause for thought! It was great.
The Larchmont Farmer’s Market (Down to Earth Market) is held from May 9 – 12/19 8:30AM – 1: 00PM in the Larchmont train station parking lot.
Larchmont is GREAT!