As the old saying goes “one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure!” and that is certainly true. How many of us have taken out unwanted items on an evening to our curbsides only to find them gone by the morning before the refuse men collect same!
When I walk my dog with a friend and her pooch, it is the perfect opportunity to discover some discarded treasures. My friend has grand children, and so toys in great condition are always a pleasurable find. We have acquired little cars, push toys and the like! I can recall visting a home in Bedford, and while driving through the winding roads, I came across two bar stools with an American cowboy motif. They were popular a few years back, and I guess the owners upgraded their bar stools. I LOVE cowboy motifs, and promptly acquired them into my car! I recovered the seats and voilà!
A client’s house is staged and the items within are on loan from a consignment store. The large living room carpet was taken away (alas sold!), and we were missing a carpet. Not to worry! A neighbor was throwing out her rug, and I could see it was in great condition, and I moved the rug to my client’s living room. It is perfect!
I would recommend to nay college student, first time home buyers to drive around various neighborhoods, and seek that end table, coffee table, etc. You never know what you will see, and it is just recycling!
How many times have we thrown out lovely items not because they are broken or damaged but simply because we have no further need of them. I love to pop into estate sales if I happen to come across them as I am driving around too. It is so sad that the owners bought the various items because they wanted them, loved them, and probably had some sentimental value to them, and now either because they had died, or have since decided they no
longer need them, and sell them. at a recent estate sale, I came across World War 11 memorabilia, and I thought it was so sad that it was being sold . I was the lucky recipient of a crystal decanter, a fruit serving spoon, and a Romertopf terracotta cooking pot. You never know! I am always joking that my sons will be selling our antique plates which we love at a garage sale for a dollar each! Perhaps because of that, I have tried to label each plate with a sticker on the back of each plate giving its history…
Westchester is a wonderful area in which to reside, and if you have any real estate related questions, please feel free to contact me!
New Rochelle is GREAT!