When people think of buying a home in the suburbs, not only are they contemplating perhaps a future family, ease of travel to and from the city, but sometimes, they are seeking a sense of community. What better way of encompassing that then to join a Homeowner’s Association or perhaps initiating one.
Paine Heights in New Rochelle’s estate area has a Paine Heights Neighborhood Association, and Glenwood Lake has the Glenwood Lake Association. They publish a newsletter entitled “The Back Fence.” It is an authoritative newsletter, full of good tips, news on how the association has a ‘clean-up day’ around the lake – all to make it that always desirable community, rich in spirit and energy. It mentions how Greg Varian (President of the New Rochelle Public Library) was a guest speaker at the April 20thmeeting, and how everyone should mark their calendars for the annual block party on June 16th )eat as many hot dogs and yummies as you can for just $5!)… Tax deductible gifts are always welcome.
Glenwood Lake – sounds like a nice place in which to live…. oh, and it is located in New Rochelle, the Queen of the Sound!
Don’t forget 29 Muir Place in Glenwood Lake…. just $479,000 and simply charming with three bedrooms, great curbside appeal, wonderful deck with awning and backyard and so much more…
New Rochelle is GREAT!